Stan Popovich – All Rights Reserved Looking for all of the answers in how to manage your most persistent fears and anxieties? I deal with fear on a personal level and I found it difficult to find all of the answers in managing my anxieties. I read some anxiety books and talked to various professionals, however I still had trouble dealing with certain fears and anxieties. Let me explain the process of how I found those answers. I first went to my local bookstore to find those books that dealt with fear and anxiety. Secondly, I talked to various professionals in the psychology and religious fields and they provided me with additional information. Some of the techniques that I was told to use were learning how to use positive self talk, breaking a overwhelming problem into its smallest parts, and dealing with stressful situations. An example, is when I conducted my job search. Instead of looking at the job search as a whole, I broke down the job search into many different tasks. I f...